Restaurant & Catering

Businesses that provide meals, food or cooking classes and wish to sell or supply liquor for consumption on the premises—with or without a meal—must have a restaurant and catering licence.

Existing licences

All existing restaurant licences and some special circumstances licences will be incorporated into this category.

Key points about restaurant and catering licences

Subject to the conditions of the licence, the category authorises:

  • consumption on the premises before, during or after a meal
  • sale of liquor for consumption on the premises before, during or after a meal
  • sale of liquor for consumption on the premises by a person attending a function where food is provided
  • sale of liquor for consumption on the premises by a person seated at a table.

A condition of a licence may allow a licensee to sell or supply liquor to people attending a function at a site off the licensed premises if they:

  • provide food at the function
  • have been given at least 24 hours’ notice of the function
  • maintain records required by the licensing authority about the function.

Eligibility to hold a restaurant and catering licence

A licence may only be held by a business where the supply of meals is the main service provided to the public—except where noted by a condition of the licence.

Eligible businesses

Eligible businesses for this category of licence may include restaurants, cafes, catering services and bona fide cooking schools.

Fill in the questionnaire to get a quote – Questionnaire

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